Evil Organization
File:Anti-Communist Action.png
Full Name: Anti-Communist Action
Alias: Anticom
The right's response to Antifa
Origin: USA
Foundation: 2016
Commanders: Seth Vitco
Goals: Destroy the Antifa (ongoing)
Suppress every minority (failed)
Crimes: Crafting of dangerous goods
Incitement to violence
Hate crime
Hate speech
Type of Villain: Right-Wing Extremists

Anti-Communist Action is an alt-right organization based in the United States and Canada that declares itself to be the "right's response" to the Antifa.


  • Members of the movement have promoted mass killing against minorities.
  • Leaked chat logs of the organizations revealed various violent rhetoric against racial minorities, but the group has stated that it accepts members of all races.
  • During the 2017 Berkeley protests, the organization "promised" that event would turn into a "bloodbath".


  • The organization uses yellow and black flags and symbols as a reference to libertarianism in the United States and people being thrown from helicopters (a reference to executions during Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship of Chile).
  • In 2017, ProPublica estimated the organization as having 1,200 participants in its chat room.
  • Although the organization had openly expressed great hatred towards minorities of other races, the organization isn't specifically aligned with the White Power Movement, according to the Seattle, WA Patch.