Bethany Storro is a redeemed attention-seeking villainess who faked an acid attack back in 2010.
On August 30, 2010, Bethany claimed that an African-American woman tossed acid on her face, leading to Bethany being hospitalized. After news of the attack went public, Bethany ended up on the receiving end of thousands of dollars in donations, and was even offered an appearance on Oprah Winfrey's show, which Bethany declined. However, when holes began to be discovered in Bethany's story, and after she was confronted, Bethany admitted to lying about the attack.
Bethany was charged with three counts of theft, as it was revealed that the money that she was donated was actually used to finance a shopping spree. She paid back the money, leading to the theft charges being dropped, and she served a year in a mental health facility in her native state of Washington. In a 2013 interview, Bethany revealed the full details of what occurred, stating that she was attempting to commit suicide with liquid acid. She added that she suffered from body dysmorphic disorder and actually felt relieved when the acid touched her face, but she pulled away due to an unwillingness to go through with her plan. Bethany decided on that day to rub the acid on her face and pose as a victim of an acid attack to gain the attention she wanted and craved.