Callum Wheeler
Full Name: Callum Wheeler
Origin: Aylesham, Kent, U.K.
Occupation: Unemployed
Hobby: Playing football
Watching pornography
Goals: Kill Julia James (succeeded)
Rape and kill more women (failed)
Crimes: Murder
Rape (possibly)
Type of Villain: Misogynistic Brute

Callum Wheeler is a British man responsible for the 2021 murder of Police Community Support Officer Julia James in Kent, England.

Biography edit

Wheeler lived in Aylesham, Kent. He dropped out of school when he was 15 due to mental health issues and grew up with little social interaction outside of a social club. He spent most of his time cycling and gaming on his XBox, or playing football with others from the club.

In April 2021, 53-year-old Julia James and her husband Paul noticed Wheeler watching them while walking in Ackholt Wood. He refused to engage with them when questioned and walked away. Several weeks later, on 27 April, Wheeler again encountered Julia James while she was walking her dog. Wheeler, who was already planning on attacking and killing a woman and was carrying a railway jack for that purpose, attacked her. She attempted to run but tripped and broke her wrist, allowing Wheeler to beat her to death with the railway jack. It could not be determined if he had sexually assaulted her first.[1]

In the aftermath of the murder, several people spotted Wheeler roaming the area with the railway jack. He had also been seen doing this the day before. Eventually, gamekeeper Gavin Tucker recorded him in the area with the railway jack and sent the video to the police. When it was released to the public, Wheeler was identified. He was arrested on suspicion of murder and his DNA was matched to DNA found on Julia James's body. It was also determined that he had accessed violent pornography on his computer in the days leading up to the murder and on 26 April, the day before the murder, had Googled "rape". He denied the crime when interviewed, but boasted to custody staff of how he had killed Julia James and would rape and kill more women if released.[2]

Wheeler was charged with the murder of Julia James. He admitted in court that he was guilty, but still pled not guilty to the charge. He was convicted on 16 May 2022, refusing to stand for the verdict, and sentenced to life imprisonment. He must serve a minimum of 37 years.[3]

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