Caucasiophobia, also called anti-white racism, is a hatred and aversion to white people, white and/or western culture, and white and/or western countries, as well as people of European descent and origin. It stems from extreme hatred of white people due to extremists such as White supremacists. It sometimes may or may not go hand in hand with Christophobia and Judeophobia. While the most common form of racism is the one commited by whites towards non-white people, sometimes white people can be victims of racism as well, a social phenomena known as "reverse racism".

A black supremacist wearing a "Kill All Whites" shirt.
White people are devils — always was, always will be.
~ Dwight York

It may sometimes (but not always) stretch to hatred of Middle Eastern/Western Asian (such as Arabs/Arabians, Persians/Iranians, Israelites/Jews), North Africans (Saharan, Berber), Eurasians (Turks, Armenians, Azerbaijanis/Azeris, Georgians), South Asians (Indians, Pakistanis, Bengalis), or Central Asians (Tartars, Kurds, Tajiks, Kazakhs, Afghans) as the census definitions of white may differ depending on how people within these groups describe themselves as such. Ironically, there are also known instances of white groups killing other white groups, such as Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union exterminating Slavs, Jews, and Ukrainians.

People who are Caucasiophobes edit

(Some of the people on the list are ironically White/Caucasian.)

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Branches Sometimes Included edit