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Christine Weston Chandler
Full Name: Christopher Christian Weston Chandler
Alias: Chris-Chan
Christopher Weston Chandler (1982-1992)
Christan Weston Chandler (1992-2016)
Ricardo Weston Chandler (Spanish name)
Origin: Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Occupation: Comic book artist (formerly)
Goals: Find a "boyfriend-free girl" (formerly)
Kill Michael Snyder from the Game Place (failed)
Crimes: Rape
Attempted murder
Copyright infringement
Hate speech
Death threat
Sexual Harassment
Type of Villain: Pervert

I am the high-functioning autistic person who was heavily emotionally damaged, artistic inspiration lost with paranoia, deception, blackmail and plain hurtful words from those bottom-feeding Trolls. I am the hand-drawing original creator of Sonichu, Rosechu and the city of Cwcville, Virginia, USA.
~ Christian Weston Chandler

Christopher Christian Weston Chandler (born 24 February 1982), now known as Christine Weston Chandler and known online as Chris-Chan, is a controversial Internet user and the creator of the infamous "Sonichu" fanfiction. Chandler is known on darker corners of the internet as one of the most cataloged people online. Facebook posts, private messages, YouTube videos, and even purchase receipts from her hacked email accounts are all available. Chandler divulged some of this information herself, while other aspects were gathered by trolls who teased and manipulated Chandler online by pretending to be girlfriends, imaginary rivals, or fans.

Chandler first became known for her outlandish offline behavior, before gaining notoriety for creating the Sonichu character, which became a meme fascination. Now Chandler maintains a YouTube channel with 50,000 subscribers and a Twitter account and draws commissions and art to maintain a living. Chandler's following has ranged from ironic onlookers to trolls over the course of the past 13 years. She's picked up a small but devoted following who chronicles her every movement on the CWCki.

Near the end of June 2021, Chandler told some fans that she began an incestuous relationship with her mother Barbara (long speculated to be on a mental decline and therefore unable to consent) to a handful of fans. Chandler previously told Null that she'd found a boyfriend-free girl over the age of 50 who was an accountant years ago – details which match up with a description of who Barb is – leading Null to believe that Chandler actually found a girlfriend who he didn't want people to find out about before he eventually realized that Chandler molested his mother. Following this horrifying revelation, the damage done to Chris was swift and immeasurable as Chandler and Barb were separated by authorities and Chandler was arrested.


Early life

Chandler was born in February 1982, in Ruckersville, Virginia to parents Robert and Barbara.

According to a 2004 intake survey done by a doctor at the University of Virginia Health System that Chandler shared with trolls, she was diagnosed with "autism at around age five or six." She attended Manchester High School in Midlothian, Virginia, describing the four-years in a 2013 Facebook post as the best days of her life.

In 2000, she created Sonichu for a high school project, a cross between the Pokemon Pikachu and Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonichu has become Chandler's most long-lasting creation, with her making over a dozen comics that she's posted online. For a majority of her time online, Chandler wore a Sonichu medallion around her neck at all times.

While attending Piedmont Virginia Community College in 2003, Chandler chronicled her "Love Quest" in her own online diary, where she carried around a large sign that read "Seeking an 18-21-Year Old Single Female Companion," approaching women and asking for a date. After weeks of holding the sign on campus, the Dean of Students banned Chandler from using it while on school grounds, according to Chandler's edits on the CWCki.

Undeterred, Chandler continued to use the sign and technique at the Charlottesville Fashion Square mall throughout 2004 to no success, according to journal entries from the year. Mall security guards, which Chandler had dubbed "jerkops," banned her from the location without a parent present according to transcripts from her diary. After the ban, Chandler moved her "Love Quest" online, inviting trolls into her life.

Sonichu and attracting the interest of trolls

In 2004, Chandler created her own Sonichu website where she started posting comics of the character. The work went relatively unnoticed until 2007, when a forum user on the Something Awful forum posted about how they had seen Chandler's sign and started to dig into their online persona. Soon, other forums like 4chan picked up on Chandler and started to dig into her history.

One of these users created a page on Encyclopedia Dramatica, a hate-website dedicated to NSFW trolling, that quickly became the most popular page on the platform. It featured unauthorized pictures and conversations about her and in a 2007 email, Chandler described her discovery of this site as the "worst weekend" of my life.

In response, Chandler updated the page herself, calling it "information overload" and eventually posting five nude drawings. The interaction just encouraged the trolls to try to get a response out of Chandler, which sometimes worked.

For the next decade, trolls pretending to be girlfriends would encourage Chandler to do and share videos of inappropriate content.

Death of her father and house burning down

In 2011, Chandler's father Robert died of heart failure, devastating her. Another life-changing event would happen in 2014, when an extension cord fire burnt down the Chandler family home, Chandler would post about the fire on Facebook, sharing that she "lost our home and our memories." A CBS 19 report said that the house fire started around 3 a.m. and that it started in a first-floor bathroom.

Financial burdens stemming from the house fire and debt accrued after the passing of Robert, as well as legal fees from the assault trial(see Other Arrests), caused Chandler to have to sell off belongings and create sculptures, comics, and art to be bought by fans on Patreon, Ebay, and Etsy.

Claiming that fictional universes are real

Throughout this period, trolls continued to fester in Chandler's life. Chandler has said in videos and on Twitter that fictional universes are real and can be reached through a "dimensional merge."

Over the past three years, Chandler has continued pushing the idea of the "dimensional merge" on her social media. In November 2020, Chandler posted a video on her CWCVilleGuardian YouTube channel, saying that "portals have been appearing between worlds, causing dimensions to collide." She states that the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters are a sign that all life on earth will be "extinguished" when the dimension of Sonichu characters collides into our reality. She also says in the video that six months ago she "merged" with Sonichu, shares a body with the character and has "every power you can think of in this dimension and then some, no exceptions." She has stated that she is in a "polyamarous relationship" with fictional characters from her own Sonichu world, as well as the Pokemon Mewtwo.

Arrest for charges of incest

On July 30, a call and texts were shared on the Kiwi Farms forum, of someone purported to be Chandler saying that she had had a sexual relationship with her mother Barbara. The texts showed Chandler molesting their mother after Barb said no and performing oral sex on her after telling their friend Barb was getting used to being touched by Chandler. The call quickly spread throughout social media, with users disgusted by Chandler's actions.

On August 1, Chandler was arrested at a hotel in Richmond on charges of incest, with the arrest being live-streamed on YouTube. On Wednesday, Chandler was transferred to the Central Virginia Jail from Henrico County where she was being held. On Monday, the Henrico jail confirmed she was being held without bail and no court date had been established. It was reported that she was detained in the women's jail, however this was later determined to be false. On August 6, Chandler appeared in court. She requested that she be allowed to pick up her personal belongings, and upon being refused, angrily stamped her feet, claiming she would not feel safe without them. Chandler will be held without bond until her next court hearing on February 3 of the next year (it would have been on September 16 or November 18, but Chandler's lawyer was able to have it postponed). Starting from September 19, Chandler would begin to write letters from jail; One thing that remains consistent about all four of them is that she believes herself to be the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. She also claimed in one of the letters that she was curing her mother from all her "past sins and regrets" by committing incest with her.

Shortly after the initial post, it was discovered that the other person in the calls and texts was Isabella Loretta Janke, a 20-year old college student who had blackmailed other people online. Further searching led to the discovery that this call was part of a plan to blackmail Chandler, possibly into suicide or self-harm. This is a sharp contrast from other groups and individuals that trolled Chandler in the past, as they were merely doing so for their own amusement.

Other arrests

In addition to the incest arrest, Chandler has been arrested for various other offenses. Most were public disturbance or trespassing offenses, but some were notably violent(interestingly they both occurred at video game retailers that Chandler had been banned from).

  • October 28, 2011: Chandler had previously been banned from Cville's Hobbies, Games and Toys, also known by herself as the Game Place, for harassing fellow customers and loitering. After numerous failed attempts to reverse the ban, Chandler ran over the store's manager Michael Snyder with her car. She was charged with assault, failure to stop after an accident, and trespassing. Because Barb also hit Snyder with her van and attempted to stop the police from arresting Chandler, she was charged with failure to stop and assault on a law enforcement officer. They pled guilty and were sentenced to community service and probation. Chandler was also ordered to undergo psychological treatment and evaluation.
  • December 26, 2014: In protest of Sonic the Hedgehog's usually tan arms being changed to blue in the video game Sonic Boom, Chandler had vandalized displays of the game. This resulted in her being banned from the GameStop in Charlottesville. In retaliation, she pepper-sprayed the manager (it did not injure him as it only hit his shirt). Similarly to the Snyder incident, Chandler pled guilty and received a sentence similar to the previous crime. In this instance, losing the case could have resulted in a felony charge, as "Dangerous gas, unlawful release" is a class 6 felony in Virginia if the offender does so non-maliciously.


  • Before coming out as transgender, Chandler was extremely insecure about her sexuality. She admitted to being homophobic, believing that there was the possibility that a homosexual man, or any man, might make her gay. Despite this, Chandler still made a mildly homophobic joke about Sonic's archenemy Robotnik's alternative name Eggman being "Nah, I'm gay" backwards even after coming out.