Church of Scientology

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Church of Scientology
Full Name: Church of Scientology
Alias: CoS
Origin: Several branches worldwide, US branch the biggest
Foundation: 1954
Gold Base, San Jacinto, California
Commanders: L. Ron Hubbard (1954 - 1986)
David Miscavige (1986 - present)
Goals: Administer Scientology churches
Crimes: Abuse
Manslaughter (allegedly)
Forced disappearance

The Church of Scientology is the corporation that officially manages the Scientology religion. It was founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1954.

Since its inception, the Church has been behind countless unethical incidents. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Harassment of critics and defectors, mostly in the form of lawsuits.[1]
  • Allegedly causing the suicide of Norwegian student Kaja Ballo, who killed herself hours after receiving the results of a Scientology personality test.[2] However, authorities could not find any connection between Ballo's suicide and the personality test.[3]
  • Severe abuse and mistreatment of followers in the Hole. Residents of the Hole were forced to live in ant-infested conditions, sleep in cramped rooms, eat unhealthy food, suffer brutally torturous interrogations that often escalated to physical violence, etc. The Hole's conditions have been compared by defectors to that of a North Korean prison.[4]
  • Mismanaged medical treatment that led to the death of Lisa McPherson. When her body was brought out of isolation in the Introspection Rundown, it was discovered to have multiple bruises and lesions that were consistent with cockroach bites.[5] However, there was not enough evidence to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt and charges were not filed.[6]
  • Forcing the disappearance of Shelly Miscavige, wife of the church's current leader David Miscavige. Former members have alleged she is imprisoned at a doomsday compound known as the Church of Scientific Technology.[7]
  • Forcing Sea Org officers to work hundreds of hours in poor conditions only to receive $50 paychecks. Those who attempt to quit Sea Org are captured and sent back to work.[8]

Despite this, the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution has prevented the church from being prosecuted for their crimes.

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