Debbie Parmentier is an American Women from Michigan State who is a Female Villains and a known Hoaxer. She approached the prosecutor in charge of the trail of who murdered Jerry Tobias claiming that she had witnessed the murder and named several people who she said was involved in the murder.

In June 1987, Parmentier expanded her story, telling an investigator for the Otsego District Attorney’s office that two other men also were involved—Mark Canter and Moore’s brother, Walter Moore. Parmentier’s version shifted considerably. She said she was in the butcher shop with Laurie Moore, Walter Moore, Mark Canter, and Donald Heistand, who all took part in the murder. She said another man, Doug Brinkman, helped load Tobias into the pickup truck. After she claimed her life had been threatened, police placed her in protective custody, although there was no evidence of any threat