Emily Grover is a Florida student at Tate High School who was arrested for being involved in a homecoming scandal with her mother, Laura Carroll, who had rigged homecoming votes so that she could win the title of homecoming queen. She, like her mother, illegally accessed other students' accounts in order to win the title in her favor. She too was responsible for illegally hacking into the school system, with other students claiming that she suspiciously has the power to "find out [their] test scores all the time."
The runner-up of the homecoming court, Ariyana Wyatt, was a close friend of Grover. While she was initially in denial about the reveal of the scandal, having not wanting to jump to conclusions because of widespread rumors, she ultimately started to see Grover's true colors after her crimes starting to come to light, and ultimately felt pity towards the other homecoming candidates who could've ran fairly. It is highly likely that Wyatt has broken her friendship with Grover given that she would not condone her dishonest and fraudulent crimes.
Grover has ultimately been expelled from school. Both she and her mother Laura Carroll are facing felony charges for their crimes. Currently, she is entered in a pre-trial diversion program, in which she is sentenced to paying court fees and 100 hours of community service.
Trivia edit
- It was revealed that Emily would've still won the title of homecoming queen legitimately even without the false 100 votes casted.