Even Evil Has Standards

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Here is a list of examples from "Even Evil Has Standards"

"That's just hateful, even by our standards" 0 The KKK on the WBC

- The Ku Klux Klan denounces all actions of Fred Phelps, leader of the Westboro Baptist Church. This shows that even than the Ku Klux Klan, a group known for its racist hatemongering, thought that their actions were too hateful for even them.

- Another example regarding the Ku Klux Klan involves D.C Stephenson, whose actions were so evil that the Klan itself diminished greatly.

- Al Qaeda sharply criticized Iran's president, , over his suggestions that the U.S. government was behind the Sept. 11 attacks, dismissing his comments as "ridiculous."

-Franco's Spain was the only country involved in rescuing Jews from the Nazis by giving them Spanish citizenship en masse. These actions led to the rescue min. 46 000 Jews

-Many of Hitler's allies such as Hungary Bulgaria Italy was opposed to the Holocaust and the Jews the Nazis seemed chentnie

-Criminals that were arrested for crimes against children are often brutalized, raped, and even killed by other inmates.  In one instance, a crimal was arrested for raping and killing a little girl named Katie.  When the other inmates found out what he did, they entered his cell and tattooed "Katie's Revenge" on his forehead.

-The Nazis refused to raze paris when the allies were approaching.

-many Nazi officials refused to enforce Adolf Hitler's orders to destroy Germany during his latter years, considering it too extreme even for them - Hitler at the time even went as far as claiming Germans should die for allowing the defeat to happen.

-Malcolm X, despite his radical beliefs, was known to denounce some of the more volatile Black Supremacists - such as the Nation of Islam.

-most law enforcers in Tudor Britian refused to enforce the stricter version of the Tudor Poor Laws that would make vagabonds slaves if convicted - though they still enforced whipping and exile.

-many Angry Mobs would actively attack during British history as a response to certain wrongs, before the Angry Mob there was also Peasant Revolts.

-Caligula was so insane even his own people eventually killed him.

-Germans tried to assasinate Hitler during his reign, one such incident nearly resulted in his death and he flew into a murderous rage - ordering the deaths of many suspects.

-many Black Supremacists do not support those who preach death to other races - prefering instead for racial segragation (this is a divide amongst Black Supremacists, some of which believe the fight against Whites should be with words and others who truly believe in violence).

-Nick Griffin, the leader of the BNP, has constantly claimed he does not support thugs that actively harm others - despite it being classed as a White Supremacist group the modern BNP also has people of non-White ethnicity in it and claim to be "pro-British" - this has made the National Front label them as "soft".

-Margaret Thatcher is generally seen as a good leader amongst the English but is reviled in Scotland due to her famously using the nation as a social experiment and taxing the Scots as well as closing down the coal mines - causing massive civil unrest.

-Adolf Hitler, despite his utter contempt for human life and sociopathic tendencies, was caring towards animals and was also a vegetarian.

-most organized crime cartels such as the Mafia do not engage in senseless acts of violence like street-gangs and hooligans do - however they will still commit terrible crimes.

-the IRA, though no longer an active terrorist group, tried to clean up the streets of Ireland by shooting the kneecaps off drug-dealers and minor criminals in vigilante-style attacks.