Hans Möser
Full Name: Hans Karl Moeser
Alias: Hans Möser
Origin: Darmstardt, Germany
Occupation: Nazi camp leader
Hobby: Murdering Jews
Goals: Assist in the extermination of Jews (truncated)
Crimes: Genocide
Mass murder
Crimes against humanity
War crimes
Type of Villain: Nazi Official

The same way, with the same pleasure, as you shoot deer, I shot a human being. When I came to the SS and had to shoot the first three persons, my food didn't taste good for three days, but today it is a pleasure. It is a joy for me.
~ Hans Möser

Hans Karl Moeser, AKA Hans Möser, (April 7, 1906 – November 26, 1948) was an SS functionary in Nazi Germany who served in the Auschwitz Birkenau, Neuengamme and Mittelbau-Dora concentration camps.


Möser was born in Darmstadt, Germany. A merchant by trade, he joined the Nazi Party in October 1929 (Member No. 155301) and the SS in July 1931 (Member No. 9555).

In July 1940 Möser was posted to various concentration camps in order to assist in the extermination of the Jews. After serving at Auschwitz and Neuengamme, he was transferred to Mittlebau-Dora in 1944, where he served as Camp Leader. In this capacity he oversaw the hanging of Jews, and regularly ordered for the ropes to be cut while the victim was still alive in order to prolong their suffering. He also regularly shot Jews execution-style. Eventually he was promoted to Deputy Commandant under Richard Baer and Franz Hössler.

In 1945, Möser was ordered to evacuate the inmates to a different camp in order to escape from the advancing Red Army. They were lead to Ravensbrück camp, with the march converted into a death march on the last stage once it became apparent that they likely wouldn't make it in time.

After the war Möser was arrested following an investigation of Mittlebau-Dora. He was charged and convicted at the Dora Trial and executed by hanging at Landsberg Prison in 1948.