The I-75 Rock Throwers is an unofficial name given to five teenage boys who threw rocks off the I-75 highway in Flint, Michigan. The rock was responsible for killing 32 year old Kenneth White, which the throwers believed was a "prank". All five boys are high school students in Genesee County. Kyle Anger, the oldest of the five, was the suspected ringleader of the five.


Members edit

  • Trevor Gray (age 15)
  • Alexzander Miller (age 15)
  • Kyle Anger (age 17)
  • Mikadyn Payne (age 16)
  • Mark Sekelsky (age 15)

Murder edit

The boys used a pickup truck to deposit rocks off of an overpass. One of the rocks weighed at least 20 lbs. Before the death of Kenneth White, at least four highway vehicles were damaged from their prank. Kenneth White was later struck in the chest and face while riding in the passenger seat of a pickup truck, and was pronounced dead from blunt force trauma.