Islamic Defenders Front
The Islamic Defenders Front (Indonesian: Front Pembela Islam (FPI)), was an Indonesian Islamist political organization founded by Muhammad Rizieq Shihab in 1998 and led by Ahmad Shabri Lubis as the leader since 2015.
Background edit
The organization was made to impose Islamic doctrine of "enjoining good and forbidding wrong".
Notable Actions edit
They are known for their violent protests, ordering the closure of places like night clubs, eateries that open during daylight on Ramadhan, and calling to remove anything they consider "un-Islamic", and open hostilities against religious minorities (especially Ahmadiyya).
Their most infamous action, however, was the Monas incident. On 1 June 2008, the FPI attacked members of the National Alliance for the Freedom of Faith and Religion who were holding a rally for Pancasila Day near the National Monument (Monas) in the city center, which results in arrests of 57 FPI members including Rizieq Shihab himself.