James Bonet
Full Name: James Bonet
Alias: Pot-smoking rioter
Origin: Glens Falls, New York, United States of America
Occupation: Shift Manager
Hobby: Smoking
Listening to conspiracies
Goals: Give Donald Trump four more years and overturn the election results (failed)
Crimes: Sedition
Smoking on unpermitted grounds
COVID denialism
Type of Villain: Delusional Extremist

We made it in the building bitches! We’re taking it back! We are taking it back, we made it in the building!
~ James Bonet

James Bonet is a participant of the 2021 United States Capitol storming, infamous for being identifed as a rioter who was shown smoking a joint while inside the capitol. Capitol videos have identified Bonet as a man getting together with other insurrectionists smoking pot together, additionally violating the "no smoking" policy inside capitol grounds.

Bonet was mentioned by his fellow coworkers to be an avid COVID-19 denialist. Coworkers have complained that he would often violate mask mandates because of his conspiracy beliefs that the pandemic is a hoax. Most of which ultimately expressed fears of catching COVID from him given his firm denial of the virus.

He was arrested and sentenced to 90 days behind bars.