James Edward Pough
Full Name: James Edward Pough
Alias: "Pop"
Origin: Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.
Occupation: Labourer
Skills: N/A
Hobby: N/A
Goals: Kill as many people as possible
Crimes: Murder
Domestic abuse
Type of Villain: Mass Murderer

James Edward Pough (16 February, 1948 - 18 June, 1990) was an American spree killer who murdered nine people and injured four others in Jacksonville, Florida on June 18, 1990 at a GMAC car loan office. Pough had also killed a close friend, David Lee Pender, in May of 1971 after an argument had broken out between the two. Pough ended his rampage on June 18 by taking his own life via self-inflicted gunshot with the M1 Carbine and .38 revolver he had used to carry out the massacre.

The Shooting edit

At approximately 12:50 a.m. on June 17, 1990, armed with a concealed M1 carbine, James Pough approached a group of men gathered on a street corner in Jacksonville, FL, and began his rampage by firing two shots at 39-year-old Louis Carl Bacon. Immediately afterwards, James fled the scene and drove his Buick two miles from where he had killed Bacon to a vacant parking lot. Pough then encountered and attacked his next victim, 30-year-old Doretta Drake, by hitting her with his vehicle and firing a single gunshot into her head using the M1. The next morning, Pough robbed a convenience store before exiting the vicinity and phoning his supervisor to inform him that he would not be attending work that day.

At 10:44 a.m., James parked his Buick the General Motors Acceptance Corporation office in Jacksonville and entered the structure through the front door. Pough, equipped with the same M1 carbine he had used in his previous murders, fired four shots at two customers at the front counter, killing 42-year-old Julia White Burgess and wounding David Hendrix. GMAC employees, alarmed by the events, and some ducked under their desks in an attempt to shield themselves from the gunfire. Their attempts proved futile, as Pough continued his massacre and deliberately aimed at those who had hidden themselves.

After murdering a total of nine people, James pressed the .38 revolver to his head and ended his own life.

Victims edit

The list of victims will be divided into those who lost their lives on June 17, 1990 and June 18, 1990.

June 17 edit

  • Louis Carl Bacon, 39
  • Doretta Drake, 30

June 18 edit

  • Julia White Burgess, 42
  • Drew Woods, 38
  • Cynthia L. Perry, 30
  • Barbara Duckwall Holland, 45
  • Janice David, 40
  • Sharon Louise Hall, 45
  • Jewell Belote, 50
  • Lee Simonton, 33
  • Denise Sapp Highfill, 36