Jingoism is a type of exclusive, biased and exalted nationalism.
Origin of the word
In France
The word derives from the French "chauvinisme" which comes from the name of Nicolas Chauvin, a French soldier from Rochefort of the Napoleonic Empire, whose name was used in vaudevilles and comedies to represent the type of the exalted and fanatic patriot.
In the USA
Jingoism become more notorious in 1898, when it played a fundamental role in the advent of the Spanish-American War.
Jingoism expresses itself through a denial of the values and rights of other peoples and nations. It identifies as an exaggerated admiration for one's country and it is often accompanied by unbridled and uncritical militarism. It places safeguarding the interests of the nation and the country's national identity as vital priorities. Hence, it adopts a very aggressive foreign policy, connected on the other hand to a tendency towards isolationism.
Other types
Western Jingoism
Western Jingoism is a form of chauvinism that promotes and exalts Western civilization. It uses a construct to build the supremacy of the West as a culture and not as a race.
Related ideologies
People who are jingoists
- Nick Fuentes
- Kim Jong-Un
- Makoto Sakurai
- Xi Jinping
- Pat King
- Vladimir Putin
- Mao Zedong
- Pol Pot
- Joseph Stalin
- Adolf Hitler
- Louis Farrakhan
- Richard Spencer
- Milo Yiannopoulos
- Julius Caesar
- Leopold II of Belgium
- Matthew Heimbach
- Gavrilo Princip
- Idi Amin Dada
- Robert Mugabe
- Hadrian
- Diocletian
- Benito Mussolini
- Rodrigo Duterte
- Philippe Petain
- Francisco Franco
- Jair Bolsonaro
- Viktor Orban
- Alex Jones
- Ali Khamenei
- Andrew Anglin
- Donald Trump
- Kim Jong-il
- Kim Il-sung