Julius Caesar
Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman. He was one of the most well known Roman generals.
Atroicities edit
- Julius Caesar was well documented as a tyrannical ruler who committed mass genocide against various ethnic minorities.
- Perhaps one of the most extensively documented cases of his atrocities would be his complete genocide of Germanic peoples who were migrating across Gallia (a region which is known today as Germany). He murdered unarmed men, as well as women, children, infants, and the elderly. This act was considered so atrocious even by Roman standards that his fellow countrymen disavowed him and condemned his violent and barbaric acts.
- Another example would be his treatment of Christians and Jews. He also oppressed his Jewish subjects in Roman-occupied Judea whilst also oppressing his Christian subjects in Rome, punishing them both for not believing in state sponsored gods.
Trivia edit
- Caesar is said to have had an affair with Cleopatra (an Egyptian queen), and likely had a child afterwards.