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Jose Reyes
Full Name: Jose Horacio Reyes Jr
Origin: Reno, Nevada, United States
Occupation: Sparks Middle School Student
Hobby: Playing violent videogames
Goals: Shoot up Sparks Middle School (successful)
Crimes: Murder
Attempted murder
Type of Villain: School Shooter

Dear teachers and students: today is the day when I kill you bastards for the embarressment that you did. You say mean things in school. That I'm gay. That I'm lazy, stupid, idiot and also say I pee my pants and also stealing my money. Well that all ends. Today I will get revenge on the students and teachers for ruining my life...and right now this school will now come to an end. Your death will be rising when I shoot you. Have a great death at school.
~ Jose Reyes's letter to the teachers and students.

Jose Horacio Reyes Jr (July 2th, 2001 - October 21th, 2013) is the perpetrator of the Sparks Middle School Shooting.

Biography edit

Jose Horacio Reyes Jr was born on July 2th, 2001.

In 2013, he started studying in Sparks Middle School.

He was occasionally bullied by other children, which encouraged him to commit the shooting.

Sparks Middle School Shooting edit

In October 21th, 2013, Jose brought a gun into his school and shot and killed a 45 year old teacher called Michael Landsberry and injured two students called K.J. Kersey and Mason Davis, before commiting suicide.

Trivia edit

  • He was obsessed with the Columbine shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.
  • His parents, Lilianna and Jose Reyes Sr, are from Mexico.