Baltusis Juozas, real Albertas Juozenas 14 April 1909 in Rīga Vilnius, 4February 1991, Lithuanian writer. Rita Baltusyte (Lithuanian journalist) father. He lived with his aprents in Rīga and during World War I in Russia.he came to Lithuania in 1918, lived in Puponys(Kupiskis county), wroked as mercenary in the village.In 1929 he moved to Kaunas, worked in printing houses, studied independently. Encouraged by Kazys Boruta started writing. 1940 published a collection of short stories The Week Begins Well; the creators of the works are mercenaries, people in poverty and misery. In 1940-41 he supported the Soviet occupation and worked on the Radio Committee in Kaunas. During the Soviet-German War he lived in Russia, worked on the Radio Committee in Moscow, wrote short stories for the Soviet troops (White Clover 1943), radio plays. Since 1944 he has lived in Vilnius. 1944-1946 Chairman of the Radio Committee, 1946-54 Secretary of the Writers' Union Party Organization, Victory Magazine editor-in-chief. With others, he followed the Bolshevik orders for literary policy, ideological control over writers, and contributed to their repression. He disagreed with the ideas of the Sąjūdis and the restoration of Lithuania's independence. Member of the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR (1947-75, 1980-90), Deputy Chairman of the Presidium (1959-67), candidate for the members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Lithuania (1958-61), Chairman of the LSSR Peace Protection Committee (1970-75, 1980-86) ).
During the Soviet occupation he wrote plays constructed according to the requirements of socialist realism (Gieda Rooster 1947, Early Morning Built 1953, published 1956), and promoted the Soviet system in publicity. The novel Novel Sold Summer (2 Books 1957-69, LSSR State Prize 1957) depicts the village of independent Lithuania, reveals the experiences of the narrator with a narrator, and tries to recreate his worldview and emotions in the most natural way possible. In the novel Baladiškis story, Sakme on Juz (1979, State SSR State Prize 1980), the author aims to create a generalized picture of a Lithuanian peasant and to poetise his work. Wrote a collection of short stories Valiusi Needs Alex (1965), a travel puzzle book Fathers and Brothers Trails (1967), treating the life of Lithuanian expatriates in the United States in terms of Soviet ideology, The Salt Eaten (2 vol. 1973-76). The creation is realistic, with colorful pictures of rural life, suggestive peasant paintings and descriptions of fates, and lively comic episodes; the language is rich, spoken, and the style is characterized by intonations of folk storytellers. The artistic value of the works is diminished by declarative political commitment, sociological interpretation of reality, ideological schemes. Works translated into Latvian, Estonian, Russian, Polish, Czech, French and other languages. Letter from Juozas Baltušis Close up: Letters, etc. (2010, compiled by Rita Baltušytė), diaries Instead of the diary: 1970–1975 (2019, compiled by Antanas Šimkus, they mention that in 1969 J. Baltusis did not publicly approve of A. Solzhenytsin's dissaporval. Instead of the diary 1976-1983 (2019). The Samogitian bonus (1966).