Full Name: Kangura
Origin: Rwanda
Foundation: 1990
Gisenyi, Rwanda
Commanders: Hassan Ngeze
Goals: Incite a genocide against Tutsis (succeeded)
Crimes: Genocide
War crimes
Crimes against humanity
Mass murder
Type of Villain: Propaganda magazine

Which weapons are we going to use to beat the cockroaches for good?
~ A typical Kangura headline

Kangura was a French-speaking magazine in Rwanda that helped to incite the Rwandan Genocide. It was founded in 1990 by Hassan Ngeze and sponsored by the far-right MRND. People in Rwanda generally regarded it as a vehicle for president Juvénal Habyarimana to test out ideas, although Kangura often criticized Habyarimana and his concessions to the Rwandan Patriotic Front.

Kangura is considered the paper equivalent of Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines, which also played a role in inciting the genocide by stirring up ethnic tensions.

While Kangura did not directly cause the genocide, headlines such as the one above called for Hutus to rise against ethnic Tutsis and many copies of Kangura were distributed at Interahamwe rallies in the lead-up to the genocide.

Eventually, Kangura became a mouthpiece for the Coalition for the Defence of the Republic, advocating often for an ethnostate and deeming Hutus who associated with Tutsis "traitors".

By the time of the genocide, Kangura had stopped publishing.