Koshrow I was Emperer of sassanid persia. Despite the fact he was part of the peaceful Zoroastrian religion. he follows none Zoroastrian principals of peace and mercey. he measured the christian poplatian in his empire. he atemted to Destroy the byzantines. and while he stoped. he still enflictied a humilating peace on the byzantines. forcing them to pay anuley. The byzantines who were christains tried to avenge thare murderd neigbers. but he defended his homland. he then made a second atemt to whipe out the byzantines. but the byzantiens stood thare grond. he then declared no future sanasha would be able to go into battle. he would die as a hero in perisa. but byzantine emperer maruice unded mutch his work 10 years later and 60 years after that the sasanid empire was whiped from the face of the earth.