Kurt Jahnke
Kurt Jahnke (1882 - 1945) was a German-American spy and saboteur during both World War I and World War II.
Biography edit
Jahnke was born in Poland in 1882, and immigrated to American in 1899, become a naturalized citizen and joining the US marines. In 1914, during the First World War against Wilhelm II, Jahnke and Lothar Witzke began performing intelligence and sabotage activities for Germany, blowing up various munitions factories and causing labour strikes. As Germany began to lose the war in 1917, Jahnke and Witzke escaped to Mexico, where Jahnke schemed to rouse the Mexicans to help the Germans to invade the USA and "arouse the Negroes to civil war", however these plans never came to fruition, and Witzke was arrested in 1918, forcing Jahnke to flee to Germany.
After World War 2 started, Jahnke set up the "Jahnke Büro", an intelligence organization reporting directly to Rudolf Hess, although it was eventually dissolved by Joachim von Ribbentrop following Hess's capture by the British Army, causing him to begin working as intelligence advisor to Walter Schellenberg. In April 1945, Jahnke was arrested by SMERSH, interrogated, tried and executed.