
Kwame Bonsu (September 25th, 1994 - ) is a football player from Ghana who raped his Swedish wife. He moved to Sweden in 2013 and met her the following year whilst playing in Mjolby. They married in 2015, and within months moved 300km to Gavle after Bonsu signed with Gefle IF. His wife opposed the move and wanted Bonsu to carry on studying in Mjolby. In November 2015 he detained her at their apartment, beating and raping her.

He was convicted at the Gavle District Court in 2017 and sentenced to 2 years in prison and expulsion from Sweden with no return for 10 years. He was also fired by Gelfe IF and ordered to compensate his wife. Bonsu, 22 when convicted, denied his guilt but the court convicted him after hearing testimony from his wife's family supporting her version of events.

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