Laura Loomer
Laura Loomer is an American far-right, anti-Muslim activist.
She has gained attention and infamy as a result of her numerous bans from various websites and events.
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In December 2017, Loomer was banned from both Uber and Lyft after a day-long series of Islamophobic tweets calling herself a “Proud Islamophobe” and blaming all Muslims for the actions of Muslim terrorists. She also called for a "non-Islamic" version of Uber or Lyft, which did not employ Muslims.
In 2018, Loomer was finally banned from Twitter, for smearing Democratic congresswoman Ilhan Omar as an Anti-Semite and pro-Sharia Law. After the ban, Loomer handcuffed herself to Twitter’s headquarters for two whole hours, while wearing a Star of David and hoodie reading “Stop the Bias”, and making a series of rants, before asking police to uncuff her, which they did.
Following her unstable, aggressive behavior and Islamophobia, Loomer was banned from payment processors such as Venmo, GoFundMe, and PayPal in early 2019. As expected, she blamed the political left for her bans, saying, “Left wing terrorists and tech tyrants” are “trying to shut me down.”
Instagram and Facebook soon followed, with them also banning other far-right activists such as Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, and Louis Farrakhan.
Even CPAC decided to ban Loomer. In 2019, after harrassing journalists and reporters, the Conservative Political Action Conferance barred her from attending CPAC 2019.
In 2021, Laura Loomer was banned from the social media webstie Clubhouse, only hours after joining, due to inciting violence and allgedly doubling down on her Islamophobia.
Loomer has sued over being banned several times, alleging a 1st Amendment violation, but every court ruled that social media sites aren’t bound by the 1A.
In 2020, Loomer ran an unsuccessful House of Representatives run for Florida’s 21st congressional district, a heavily Democratic district.
Somehow, she managed to win the Republican primaries, defeating 5 rivals, and earning support from prominent conservatives, such as then-president Donald Trump, Florida congressman Matt Gaetz, and Roger Stone.
There was speculation that Twitter and Facebook would unban Loomer as a result of her primary victory, but they didn’t.
In 2022, she ran for the House again, this time in Florida’s 11th district against Republican imcumbent Daniel Webster.