Maxine Carr
Maxine Ann Carr (February 16, 1977 -) was a former teacher assistant at St. Andrew's Primary School. She is known for having involvement in the disappearance/double murder of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman also known as the Soham murders. She also gave police false information about what happened saying that she was taking a shower and didn't notice the girls. Ian Huntley lured the girls into the house and killed them. Carr and Huntley then tried to get rid of any evidence such as cleaning the house and burning the girls clothes and bodies. A large search was conducted by law enforcement after the disappearance of Holly and Jessica. Some time later, Huntley was the main suspect. Police got a warrant to search his home and found burnt clothes and fingerprints. This put Huntley as the prime suspect. Carr had been saying that Huntley was not the murder of the two girls as an attempt to keep his name clean. Police later found burnt bodies 10 miles away in a ditch from the last time Holly and Jessica were last seen. They arrested Huntley and Carr and put them on trial. Huntley got a sentence of two counts of murder and life imprisonment with a minimum term of 40 years. Carr received a sentence of perverting the course of justice. After her sentence she got the title "The Most Hated Woman in England."