Michalina Meskauskiene (February 16,1907 in Asosine -April 25, 1990 in Vilnius)-Lithuanian political and public figure.



1925-1929 She belonged to the Lithuanian Socialist Revoliutionary Maximalists Union.1928-1935 incar ceration.1936 Collaborated in Literature magazine.1937-1940 Member of the Lithuanian Red Assistance Committee.1939-1940 edited the newspaper For Folk Rights.1940 Member of the People's Parliament, Director of Land Reform Department, Ministry of Agriculture. 1940-1941 Editor of the peasant newspaper and head of the Art Affairs Board under the LSSR LKT. 1941 Head of Peninsula Social Welfare. 1941-1943 LSSR LNC Commissioner for the Evacuated Residents of Lithuania in the Bashkortostan ATSR and Sverdlovsk Oblast. 1944-1945 People's Commissar of Education of the LSSR, 1945-1946. Deputy Chief of the Chief Military Families' State Supply and Housekeeping Board under the LSSR LKT. 1946-1947 Head of the Department of Culture and Health of the LSSR Council of Ministers Affairs.

1947 cinematography, 1953-1955. Social Security, 1955-1961. Deputy Minister of Culture. 1948-1953 Minister of Cinematography. 1949-1954 candidate to the LCP CC members. 1940-1963 Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR, 1940-1947. Member of the Presidium.