Ona Karveliute was female Lithuanian collaborator. She took part in the soviet activities. Ona Karveliute was State Bank accountant, YoungCommunist. The only one who stopped drinking was Karveliute. She curtly refused all offers to have her glass refilled and, in general, appeared to be somewhat tense and agitated. Perhaps, mused Mažvydas, she already sensed the imminence of doom.Also killed was Young Communist League Member Karveliute.

On 1947 February 19th At night, in Marijampolė, the fourth house of Trakiškių Street, shots were fired, undermining high-ranking party and Soviet activists of the Lithuanian Communist Party (hereinafter - LCP) in Marijampol county and municipality.

Ona Karveliute
Crimes: War crimes
Crimes against humanity
Ethnic cleansing
Type of Villain: War Criminal