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Paul Robson is a British convicted rapist who gained national attention after his escape from prison and brief period on the run in 2022.

In 2000 Robson, who had been released from prison three weeks prior, was arrested for entering a woman's house through the cat flap, tying her up, putting a pillow case over her head and assaulting her at knifepoint. He was convicted of indecent assault, attempted rape and breaking and entering at Oxford Crown Court and sentenced to life imprisonment, with a judge branding him a "menace to females".

During his sentence Robson made multiple applications for parole, all of which were rejected. His fifth application, in February 2021, was rejected; however, the parole board approved his transfer to an open prison at HMP North Sea Camp. On 13 February 2022 it was discovered that Robson was absent. The Lincolnshire Police announced to the media that Robson was dangerous and that the public should not approach him if he was seen. Images were released of Robson with and without his distinctive long goatee.

On 17 February 2022 Robson was arrested in Skegness, Lincolnshire. He received an additional two years on his sentence and was transferred to a closed prison. He was told that it was extremely unlikely that he would ever be approved for parole or transfer to an open prison.