Template:VillainCvirka Petras March 25,1909 Klangiai (Veliuona County May 2, 1947 Lithuanian writer, political figure. In 1926-30 he studied at Kaunas Art School. An active Third Front magazine collaborator.

He lived in Paris in 1931-32, visited the USSR several times in 1936-39. In 1940, after the USSR occupation of Lithuania, he joined the Communist Party, was a deputy of the puppet of the People's Parliament, and helped to Sovietize Lithuania. Since 1940 deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR. In 1940-41 he headed the organizing committee of the LSSR Writers' Union and edited the scripture magazine. At the outbreak of the USSR-German War, he withdrew to Russia, lived in Moscow from 1942, and participated in anti-Nazi propaganda activities. 1944 Youth ranks

, 1945 Victory Magazine

 editor-in-chief. Chairman of the Writers' Union since 1945; Contributed to the Communist ideologisation of literature and contributed to the repression of writers.

1928 published a collection of poems of the First Mass (censorship seized). In the collection of novels, Sualelydis Nykos valsciuje (Twilight in the Nyka Township) (1930-31996), expressively revealed a poor rural life, creating a romantic image of a young boy. The satirical novel Frank Kruk (1934 72016) negatively depicts the life of Lithuanian expatriates in America, mocks private entrepreneurship, and parodies the ills of Lithuanian public life. The novel Zeme maitintoja (Earth Survivor) (1935 101972) poetizes the diligence of the Lithuanian rural people, the desire for a brighter life, but the failure of their survival efforts is motivated by the devastation of individual farming, and the communist regime is promoted. The novel Meisteris ir sūnūs (Meisteris and sons ) (1936 52006) highlights features of Lithuanian national character, states traditional rural values, ordinary person's optimism, creativity, wit; the narrative is characterized by folklore stylization. Novels from the Daily Stories collection (1938) are characterized by social criticism, condemning the desire for wealth, cruelty, conformism of intellectuals, lack of higher ethical principles and ideals. The narratives of the war and post-war years Azuolo sakny Brolybes sekla,(Collections of Oak Roots 1945, Seed of Fraternity 1947) show the power of humanism in terms of communist ideology, the poeticization of the fight against the enemy, the beauty of selfless communication between people. He has written works for children: a collection of lyrical short stories Cukriniai avineliai (Sugar Lambs) (1935), a collection of sociologized literary tales Nemuno šalies pasakos (Tales of the Nemunas Country) (1948).

In P. Cvirka's work, traditional realistic narrative intertwines with modern stylistic expression, epic combined with lyricism, humor and a wealth of poetic images of nature. Works translated into Russian, Latvian, Estonian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, German and other languages.

Petras Cvirka
Crimes: War crimes
Ethnic cleansing
Type of Villain: War Criminal