Full Name: Phalaris
Alias: Tyant of Akragas
Master of the island
Origin: Italy
Occupation: King of Akragas
Skills: Manipulation
Hobby: Seeing people getting tortured
Goals: Have someone create a horrifying torture device (succeeded)
Life a life where he can do what ever he wants (succeeded until his downfall)
Crimes: Murder
Child Murder
Abuse of Power
Crimes against Humanity
Type of Villain: Brutal Tyrant

Phalaris (Born: Late 500s - early 600s B.C. - Died: 554 B.C.) was the leader of Akragas (now known as Agrigento in Sicily) from about 570 - 554 B.C.

He is infamous for his excessive cruelty. Mostly for commissioning the creation of the Brazen Bull. The worst torture device in the history of humanity. He enjoyed seeing the torture of people and even has been said to have eaten children.