Sometimes KGBSpetsnaz, this site’s most regularly active admin and only bureaucrat, feels like RLV Wiki has too little admins, especially compared to Villains Wiki. In order to become an admin, the maximum amount of time you can have previously been blocked on this wiki is one week and make a pretty big comeback in good contributions afterwards. Only KGBSpetsnaz can promote users to be admins as he’s currently the only active bureaucrat so far.

Other Requirements for Becoming an Admin edit

  1. You must have at least 500 edits.
  2. You must review the site’s policies. Users who frequently break policies when they know better may have their requests overlooked and require a stronger plea in order to become an admin.

Rules edit

  1. DO NOT abuse your powers. If you do, they will be removed with immediate effect.
  2. DO NOT recruit people without consulting KGBSpetsnaz first.
  3. Follow and respect the rules on the front page and do not change them without my authority.
  4. Admins may support or oppose your request, hire you, or close it.
  5. DO NOT close your request until it is closed or you are hired.
  6. Only beaureaucrats can touch user rights.

How to Vote edit

  • Support - Positive vote
  • Neutral - Unsure vote
  • Oppose - Negative vote
  • Comment - To comment about the user or vote

Cast your request below if you'd like to try being an admin.

Requests edit

  • JeagerEX12

Support: You know the rules of this site pretty well and I believe you’ll do a decent job enforcing them. :) However, I think another person should cast their vote before it becomes official. (Bennyben1998 (talk) 16:47, September 5, 2018 (UTC)KGBSpetsnaz)
Support one of our best contributors! Giffany (talk) 17:10, September 5, 2018 (UTC)