Richard Nixon

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Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994) was the 37th President of the United States, serving from 1969 after being the most voted in the 1968 untied states election until his resignation on August 9, 1974. Nixon was a highly corrupt president and a war criminal, most well known for his role in the infamous Watergate Scandal.

Richard Nixon
Full Name: Richard Milhous Nixon
Alias: Tricky Dick
Tricky Dicky
President Nixon
Origin: Yorba Linda, California, United States
Occupation: President of the United States (1969 - 1974)
Vice President of the United States (1953 - 1961)
U.S. Senator from California (1950 - 1953)
Goals: Stay in office as President by any means necessary (failed)
Cover up Watergate (failed)
End the Vietnam War (failed, but partially succeeded in ending the draft)
Crimes: Conspiracy
Illegal surveillance
Illegal wiretapping
Obstruction of justice
State terrorism
War crimes
Complicity in Genocide
Hate speech
Type of Villain: Corrupt President

I made my mistakes. But in all of my years of public life, I have never profited - never profited from public service. I've earned every cent. And in all of my years of public life, I have never obstructed justice. And I think, too, that I can say, that in my years of public life, that I welcome this kind of examination because people have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook. I've earned everything I've got.
~ One of Nixon's most famous quotes

His Vice President, Spiro Agnew, is also considered to be one of the most corrupt politicians in the 20th century of the United States.

Biography edit

Early life edit

Nixon was born into a poor family of Quakers in a small town in Southern California. He graduated from Duke University School of Law in 1937 and returned to California to practice law. He and his wife Pat moved to Washington in 1942 to work for the federal government. He served on active duty in the Navy Reserve during World War II.

Political career edit

He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1946. His pursuit of the Hiss Case established his reputation as a leading anti-Communist which elevated him to national prominence. In 1950, he was elected to the Senate. He was the running mate of Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Republican Party's presidential nominee in the 1952 election, subsequently serving for eight years as the vice president. He unsuccessfully ran for president in 1960, narrowly losing to John F. Kennedy. Nixon then lost a race for governor of California to Pat Brown in 1962. In 1968, he ran for the presidency again and was elected, defeating Hubert Humphrey and George Wallace in a close election.

Nixon ended American involvement in the Vietnam War in 1973, ending the military draft that same year. Nixon's meeting with Mao Zedong in 1972 eventually led to diplomatic relations between the two nations, and he gained the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with the Soviet Union the same year.

His administration generally transferred power from federal control to state control. He imposed wage and price controls for 90 days, enforced desegregation of Southern schools, established the Environmental Protection Agency, and began the War on Cancer. He also presided over the Apollo 11 Moon landing, which signaled the end of the Space Race. He was re-elected in one of the largest electoral landslides in American history in 1972 when he defeated George McGovern.

In his second term, Nixon ordered an airlift to resupply Israeli losses in the Yom Kippur War, a war which led to the oil crisis at home. By late 1973, Watergate escalated, costing Nixon much of his political support. On August 9, 1974, facing almost certain impeachment and removal from office, he became the first American president to resign. Afterwards, he was issued a pardon by his successor, Gerald Ford.

In 20 years of retirement, Nixon wrote his memoirs and nine other books and undertook many foreign trips, rehabilitating his image into that of an elder statesman and leading expert on foreign affairs. He suffered a debilitating stroke on April 18, 1994, and died four days later at age 81. Surveys of historians and political scientists have ranked Nixon as a below-average president. However, evaluations of him have proven complex, with successes as president contrasted against the circumstances of his departure from office.

The Watergate scandal edit

On June 17, 1972, five suspects were arrested in the early hours of the morning for breaking into the Democratic Party's headquarters at the Watergate Office Building (which gave its name to the scandal) in Washington, D.C. They had photographic equipment and wiretapping devices on them. In the following months, connections between several of the suspects and one part or another of the White House were revealed.

As the investigation continued, it was revealed that the scandal was primarily to cover-up his administration's illegal activities as well as to sabotage the Democratic Party, just so his opposition would be weakened.

Post-presidency edit

His second Vice President, Gerald Ford (who assumed the presidency after Nixon resigned), pardoned Nixon fully for his involvement in the Watergate scandal. He attended the funeral of Anwar Sadat. Nixon mostly kept a low profile until his death in April 1994 from a stroke.

In a series of taped interviews he gave in the late 1970's, Nixon expressed regret for his actions involving Watergate and his other crimes.

Other villainy edit

  • His administration spearheaded Operation Condor, a multi-year CIA-backed campaign of state terrorism and political oppression that established multiple right-wing military dictatorships in South America. Also involved was Henry Kissinger, who served in the Nixon Administration as both National Security Adviser and Secretary of State.
  • He financed the 1973 Chilean coup d'état which allowed Augusto Pinochet to seize power in Chile.
  • Nixon was an avowed anti-Semite who strongly disliked Jews, and was a believer in the conspiracy theory that Jews were planning to take over the government.
  • He has shown racism towards African-Americans, Hispanics, and Asians and was also homophobic.
  • He was responsible for the creation of the Southern Strategy - a political strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.
  • He launched the War on Drugs, which has actually caused more problems than it has solved.
  • He supported Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge in their invasion of Laos.
  • While he withdrew some American troops from Vietnam, he needlessly extended the Vietnam War instead of ending it by talking the president of South Vietnam out of negotiating with North Vietnam, as he needed the war to continue so that he could run for president; therefore, breaking his promise to end the war.
  • Nominated two segregationists to the Supreme Court. Both men were so unashamedly racist that both Democrats and Republicans refused to vote on them.
  • He had a strong dislike of the Catholic Church.
  • He also showed traits of misogyny and stated that he didn't think women should work in government because they were too "erratic and emotional".
  • He committed war crimes during the Vietnam War by ordering Henry Kissinger to carry out an illegal bombing campaign against Cambodia and Laos in order to eliminate North Vietnamese leadership (which would ultimately lead to the Kent State shootings, and Cambodia becoming a failed state, let alone the deaths of over 100,000 innocent Cambodian citizens).
  • At Henry Kissinger's advice, he suppressed reports of the 1971 Bangladesh Genocide in order to preserve the USA's alliance with Pakistan.
  • Nixon had links with several organized crime gangs, accepting millions of dollars in campaign donations to release Mafia-affiliated union leader Jimmy Hoffa from prison. Mob boss Mickey Cohen is also believed to have helped Nixon to launch his political career in 1946.
  • Under his administration, the Justice Department initiated a crackdown on criticism of the government. Attorney General John N. Mitchell oversaw the prosecution of numerous anti-government protestors, most infamously the Chicago Seven. He also allowed the FBI's COINTELPRO program to continue and expanded Operation CHAOS, an illegal surveillance program targeting anti-government activists.

Videos edit

Trivia edit

  • He is the only president in American History to resign.
  • Unlike Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump, Nixon is only the second of only two presidents to have ever come close to impeachment without being impeached, the only other president being John Tyler in 1842.
  • Due to his resignation, he was the first president since Woodrow Wilson to skip the inauguration ceremony of his successor (Gerald Ford), followed by Donald Trump.
  • He is the second of two presidents to appear on the National Presidential Ticket five times, along with Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • His Second Vice President Gerald Ford was the first unelected Vice President of the United States, having been appointed after the resignation of his previous Vice President Spiro Agnew.
  • He was the vice president of Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • Richard Nixon was one of the inspirations for Emperor Palpatine from the Star Wars franchise as was Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte.