Sebastian Pritchard-Jones

Sebastian Pritchard-Jones, a 30 something year old British man working as a teacher, was an identity used on online dating websites in order to catfish several British women. Known victims of this catfishing include Claire Travers Smith, Alison Moores and Joanna Bell though there could be other victims who haven't come forwards.

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Sebastian turned out to be a front, it was revealed to be a women who was pretending to be a man in order to chat up other women. This is not the first case of a women pretending to be a man in order to attract women with cases like Chantelle Johnson, Gemma Barker, Gayle Newland making headlines in the UK.

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Claire met Seb via the online dating website Smooch in May 2011 where they exchanged numbers and were soon chatting regularly and they got on well, even trying to arrange a meet up. That's when thing went wrong as every time they tried to meet up Seb would either not show up to the date or came up with excuse after excuse on why he had to cancel. His excuses included comforting a suicidal student of his, going to hospital due to a Football injury, Seb's brother Josh getting into fight when the man found out Josh was having an affair with his wife, which resulted with Josh putting the man in Hospital and getting arrested.

Around this time Clair started reviving threatening text messages from an unknown number accusing her of seeing another bloke. She thought that these text messages were from Seb and this coupled with all the cancelled dates, lead her to confront Seb that he should "either had to give me some proof of who he was or to leave me alone" and that she didn't think he had any intention of meeting with her.

In reply Seb sent her a picture (see above) of a perfume bottle along with a note saying "Why would I buy you a bottle of perfume if I had no intention of meeting you ?!? Why Claire", but the picture revealed more than Seb intended it to. When looking at the picture Claire noticed that there was a reflection in the perfume bottel, but not of a tall Welsh man but a women.

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