Talk:John Wilkes Booth/@comment-

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There seems to be a great deal of misinformation about Lincoln and Booth. The two men were very different.

Booth——John Wilkes Booth in his daily life demonstrated the perfection of fine manners. He never used profanity. He was cordial and people enjoyed being with him. He was very successful with the ladies and had many admires, both men and women. He was a true patriot and strongly believed in states’ rights.

Lincoln——Abraham Lincoln did not seem to be aware of the need for manners. As president he would blow his nose using his thumb and fore finger to blow the snot on the ground. He told dirty stories in mixed company and mocked Immaculate Conception. His sister in-law said, “He would move around in a vague, abstracted way, as if unconscious of his own or anyone else’s existence.” Lincoln wanted to destroy states’ rights and move all governmental authority to Washington.

Lincoln started a war to end states’ rights that killed and massive amount of people-640,000. He put in prison 30,000 people that criticized him or the war. He burned homes down and killed the livestock of civilians. He use Confederate soldiers to clear mine fields.

Lincoln was a tyrant, mass murder, and war criminal—John Wilkes Booth killed him.

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