Talk:Outlaw Motorcycle Club/@comment-

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In reality Oswald has NEVER been confirmed to be the murderer of Kenendy, nor has he EVER been confirmed to be the murderer of Officer Tippit. WC defenders maintain that the case against Oswald is airtight, and that were he to stand trial today he would be found guilty of the assassination.

Critics of the WC, on the other hand, assert that Oswald was framed, that the case against him is flawed at almost every point, and that an impartial jury would acquit him in a trial where the normal legal standards of evidence were applied. In their view, not only is there far more than a reasonable doubt about Oswald's guilt, but the available evidence shows he did not shoot the President. Most WC critics also believe that Kennedy was killed as the result of a conspiracy.

George De Mohrenschildt (9 H 255) testified that Oswald was an admirer of President Kennedy and had praised him, considered Oswald a man "with no hatred in him."

So why is it not allowed to put alleged on here? Since Oswald denied killing anyone and since there is still theories on the Assassination of JFK, I don't see why it couldn't translate to this article.

I'd highly recommend PRESUMED GUILTY, How and why the Warren Commission framed Lee Harvey Oswald(1976)