Full Name: Nihon tonden hohei
Japanese tonden soldiers
Alias: none
Origin: Japan
Foundation: 1874
Tokyo and Hokkaido, Japan
Commanders: Kiyotaka Kuroda
Goals: Develop Hokkaido and North Sakhalin (successed)
Win Boshin Wars (successed)
Win Satsuma Rebellion (successed)
Win First Sino-Japanese War (successed)
Win Russo-Japanese War (successed)
Crimes: Destruction
Oppression against Ainu people (indirectly)
Type of Villain: soldiers

Tondenhei were the soldiers and troops who developed current Hokkaido. It existed from 1874 to 1904. Kiyotaka Kuroda is now the commander of them.

Without their actions, there would be no current Hokkaido, but they were the reason for the destruction of the Ainu people's settlements and the generation of discrimination against the Ainu people. They are recruited primarily by special conscription, and they participated in the Boshin Wars, final Ainu War, Satsuma Rebellion, First Sino-Japanese War, and Russo-Japanese War.