Tony Hung (洪震; 1969-) is a tour guide who stabbed 3 people after hearing their opposing political views.
The case became controversal after the head judge felt sympathy for Hung and reduced his sentencing from 6.5 years to 36 months.
Background edit
Hung claimed to be a victim of the pro-democracy protests as they affected his livelihood as a tour guide.
On August 20th, 2019, Hung brought two knives to scrape away pro-democracy posters. He was later involved in an arguement with three citizens after he heard about their opposing political views. Out of rage, Hung stabbed the three citizens and fled to China. Shortly later, he surrendered himself to the police.
All three victims were hospitalised, including a 26-year-old journalist who suffered a collapsed lung and remained in a critical condition for some time.
Trial edit
Judge Kwok Wai-kin said that the black-clad protesters had ganged up like a “terrorist army” and changed Hong Kong with extremist acts reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution in mainland China. He also felt sympathy for Hung and reduced his sentance from 6.5 years to 35 months.