Trevor Brown
Full Name: Trevor Brown
Origin: Novi, Michigan, United States of America
Occupation: Business Consultant
Hobby: Posting on social media
Voicing his opinions vocally
Goals: Storm the capitol at all costs and combat "injustice" (failed)
Crimes: Sedition
Assaulting Law Enforcement
Type of Villain: Delusional Vocal Extremist

This has nothing to do with Trump or Biden. People should be storming that Brothel we call the Capitol everyday for what goes on in there. It’s a Brothel and they sell you out everyday.... And that is the fault of the leadership on both sides....Today people are doing the right thing for those wrong reasons.
~ Trevor Brown via a Facebook post

Trevor Brown is an extremist who participated in the 2021 United States Capitol storming. He was shown to be holding a bullhorn while raiding the capitol, and attempted to assault a police officer while doing so.

Although most rioters during the Capitol breach were strong Republicans who desired to give Donald Trump another term, Brown was a rare example of an insurrectionist who did not care for either Trump or Biden. Rather, he just decided to raid the U.S. Capitol out of rebellion because of his belief that the U.S. Capitol represents "injustice". Despite this, he still classifies himself as a Republican for leaned towards Trump.

He was arrested shortly after. However, he was later released without any charges filed.

Quotes from Facebook posts edit

This whole election has been the biggest shit show in the world.
The only path to normalcy is over throwing the dictators. We compiled with the shutdowns. now its masks, now its vaccines. it won’t stop. they are manipulating.
Who knew the first time I’d go to DC I’d be storming the Capitol. — and make it in… I made it into the Capitol. I almost died getting in but I made it.
We the people need one more solid rally like this and CONgress will be forced to bow and be thrown out for not representing the will of the people and charged with crimes against humanity.
Today these elitist creeps are getting the same thing we live with everyday, fear for their own safety.