Unabomber is the name used by the Italian press, by analogy with the case of the American Theodore John Kaczynski, to refer to an unidentified criminal who is the author of numerous acts of violence committed in Veneto and Friuli in the 1990s and 2000s.
Criminal activities edit
1993 edit
The first of his attacks was made on the 8th December 1993 in Portovecchio, Portogruaro. On that day Unabomber detonated a telephone booth with a pipe bomb.
1994 edit
- On the 21st August, at Sacile, Unabomber used a pipebomb that made explode a booth wich injured a woman and her 2 children during the 721st edition of the Festival of the Osei.
- On the 17th December, at Pordenone a girl is slightly injured by the fragments of a shop window due to an explosion caused by another pipebomb similar to the Sacile bomb which exploded near the Standa in Piazza del Popolo, under a hedge, around the closing time of the store.
- On the 18th December, a third pipebomb explodes in a bush near the churchyard of the parish church of Sante Maria e Giuliana in the Castello hamlet, just as the faithful are leaving. No one is injured.
1995 edit
- On the 5th March 1995, 2 pipebomb explode at a distance of a few hundred meters from each other. Still, no one is injured.
- On the 30th September, at Pordenone, 2 pipebombs explode on the same day and one of them causes the first serious injury. The first is placed in via Fratelli Bandiera, near a house and near a garbage can, and is collected around 16:30 by the retired Anna Pignat, exploding and causing very serious injuries to the upper limbs. The second tube is recovered in via Fratelli Rosselli by another woman, who does not perceive the danger and takes it home. The next day, she learned of the first episode, she fixes the hose on the bicycle and delivers it to the carabinieri.
- On the 11th December, at Aquileia, a booth explode.
- On the 24th December, at Latisana, another booth explodes.
- On the 26th December, at Bibione, there is another attack like the ones already mentioned.
1996 edit
- On the 2nd April, at Claut, a minor explosion occurs in the small town of the Friulian Dolomites.
- On the 22nd April, at Bannia, there is another minor explosion.
- On the 4th April, again at Bibione, at 6:00 a lifeguard collects a tube about 20 cm long and takes it to a colleague. The latter takes the tube and unscrews one end: a strong flame comes out of the tube. Very annoyed, the man throws the object in a dumpster thinking of a stunt. On the evening of the same day, a similar episode occurs, but with much more serious results, in nearby Lignano, so the lifeguard himself decides to retrieve the hose and deliver it to the police. On the same day, a pipebomb measured about 18 cm in length and 3 cm in diameter wrapped in a newspaper was abandoned inside an umbrella which is opened around 10:30 by Roberto Curcio, a tourist from Domodossola. The man sees the object fall and picks it up. The tube explodes causing severe injury to his right hand and severing of the femoral artery and mekes him lose consciousness.
1998 edit
- On the 1st February, at Poincicco, an unexploded device is discovered in a restaurant in Pontebbana.
2000 edit
- On the 6th March, at San Vito al Tagliamento, Unabomber resumes his criminal activities by placing a bomb in a can for streamers. The bomb does not explode. On the same day, at Lignano Sabbiadoro, around 17:00 Giorgio Novelli, a retired carabiniere from Casalecchio di Reno, collected the pipebomb, a metal tube of about 30 cm in length by 3 cm in diameter designed to resist water, on the water's edge and transported for 400 m. The device explodes seriously injuring Novelli in the face and reducing him to a coma.
- On the 13th September, at San Stino di Livenza, a pipebomb explodes in a vineyard during the harvest, lightly injuring a woman in the heel.
- On the 31st October, at Portogruaro, three attacks occur. The first is when a man from Azzano Decimo bought an egg carton which by opening it reveals a device contained in a boiled egg, emptied and skilfully reconstructed and the delivery to the carabinieri. Unusually, two biological traces are found in the egg: a hair and saliva, of which DNA is found.
- On the 1st November, at San Stino di Livenza, another bomb is discovered in the same vineyard as the previous one.
- On the 7th November, at Portogruaro-Pinè, at 8:30 pm a tube of tomato purchased at the Portogruaro hypermarket explodes, injuring a woman, the worker Nadia Ros, who suffered severe injuries to one hand.
- On the 17th November, at Portogruaro-Roveredo in Piano, a tube of mayonnaise is bought by a woman and the husband of the client, a soldier, suspicious of the unusual hardness of the object, gives it to the carabinieri, who find the bomb there.
2001 edit
- On the 2nd November, at Motta di Livenza, at 4:00 pm, a bomb disguised as a votive candle explodes in the cemetery, injuring the caretaker of the place Anita Buosi, at her hands and right eye.
2002 edit
- On the 23rd July, at Porcia, around 8.45 pm, a woman tries to open a jar of Nutella in which a device has been disguised. The customer notices that noises and fumes are emanating from the jar and deposits it on the outside window sill of her home. The object explodes without injuring anyone.
- On the 2nd September, at Pordenone, around 6:00 pm a five-year-old boy is injured by the burst of a tube of soap bubbles, just bought at Mercatone Zeta, under the eyes of his mother.
- On the 25th December, at Cordenons, towards midnigth a pipebomb explodes above a confessional of the church of Santa Maria Maggiore. No one is injured.
2003 edit
- On the 24th March, at Pordenone, A bomb explodes at 12:23 am in the toilet of the Palazzo di Giustizia, on the second floor, right near the office of the prosecutor Domenico Labozzetta who is investigating Unabomber.
- On the 25th April, at Fagarè della Battaglia, at 11:30 am a nine-year-old girl from Oderzo opens a highlighter found on the river bed, which explodes, causing very serious injuries to her hand and eye.
2004 edit
- On the 2nd April, at Portogruaro, a cleaner of the church of Sant'Agnese discovers a strange object hidden inside the pillow of a prie-dieu and gives it to the parish priest. The priest himself does not understand what it is, as well as some people to whom he shows it, who mistake it for a lighter. The parish priest then keeps the object in the rectory believing it to be an April Fool, until a collaborator becomes suspicious and hands it over to the police. It is a nitroglycerin device, designed to explode when the knees press the pillow.
2005 edit
- On the 26th January, at Treviso, at 9:20 am the offending envelope is collected by a twelve-year-old boy from the middle school of Badoere (Morgano), on an educational outing with the class to attend a theatrical performance in the capital. The boy throws the container to the ground and kicks it against the fence of a house, where it opens and explodes without injuring anyone.
- On the 13th March, at Motta di Livenza, at the end of a religious service in the church of San Nicola Vescovo, a six-year-old girl lights an electric votive candle with the help of a woman. The device explodes, seriously injuring the little girl and lightly injuring the woman. The girl will be operated on successfully.
- On the 16th March, at Concordia Sagittaria-Bacău, an unexploded device is found by the Sisters of Mercy of Bacău, in Romania. It was contained in a box of mackerel, probably sent along with other humanitarian aid by the sisters of Concordia Sagittaria, a year earlier.
- On the 9th July, at Portogruaro, at 13:30 a woman, out of the house on a bicycle, hears an object fall from under the saddle: it is an explosive container containing nitroglycerin that was designed to explode when someone sat on the saddle of the bicycle and was made un running from the rain that had battered the town for many days.
2006 edit
- On the 6th May, at Porto Santa Margherita, on the coast near the mouth of the Livenza, an engaged couple find a bottle that seems to contain a message inside. One of the two, the nurse Massimiliano Bozzo, begins to handle it causing the explosion that seriously injures him and also causes injuries to the young woman.
Modus Operandi edit
The weapon edit
Unabomber attacked with metal pipes 20-30 cm long and 3 cm in diameter filled with explosives and glass marbles.
The victims edit
Unabomber doesn't seem to have specific targets, although from 2000 onward started targetting more sensible people like children.
Places of the attacks edit
Unabomber chose as places to hit cities between Pordenone and Portogruaro and the two places already mentioned.
Dates of the attacks edit
The attacks committed by Unabomber occurred on holidays or during the summer season, especially when places are crowded like churches on religious holidays, beaches during the summer and squares during the Carnival period.
Criminological profile edit
General datas edit
Unabomber appears to be a person between 35 and 40 years old who is very good at handling things and with great knowledge in chemistry. It is likely that he lived alone or had an isolated place available. Unabomber is thought to have belonged to law enforcement or the military.
Psychology edit
Unabomber could suffer from trauma or an impairment, which would prompt him to strike without aiming at any specific target.
Suspects edit
- Andrea Agostinis: Tolmezzo technical drawing teacher and journalist - ruled out.
- Elvo Zornitta: italian technician - ruled out.
- A young man from Aviano, seriously injured by a bomb he himself was making and found in possession of instructions to build bombs in the period between the attacks of Claut and Bannia.
- A man from Sacile, a precocious orphan of his mother, whose ex-girlfriend worked in the hypermarket in Portogruaro.
- A teacher from Pordenone who had worked in various locations affected, although at different times from those of the attacks.