Veronica Panarello
Full Name: Veronica Panarello
Origin: Italy
Crimes: Murder
Type of Villain: Family Murderer

Veronica Panarello is an Italian woman who murdered her eight-year-old son in November 2014 in a case that received national attention.

Panarello strangled, scratched, and beat Loris Stival at their home in Santa Croce, Camerina, Sicily. She threw him into a nearby canalside pit with severe head injuries while he was still alive. He died there before his body was found by a fisherman.

Veronica initially told police Stival went to school and did not return. Next, she said Stival was playing with electrical cables and died accidentally. Finally, she said she was having an affair with Stival's paternal grandfather and she murdered her son to prevent the affair being discovered.

Panarello was sentenced to 30 years in prison in October 2016, for the murder of her son.