William Joseph Hale
Full Name: William Joseph Hale
Alias: None
Origin: Florida, United States of America
Occupation: Unknown
Skills: Shooting skills
Hobby: Unknown
Goals: Kill Frank Gilliard Allison's fourteen year old daughter, Shelby (failed)
Crimes: Attempted murder
Type of Villain: Dimwitted Attempted Murderer

William Joseph Hale (1987-) is an American man who got into a argument with a man called Frank Gilliard Allison.


On October 8th, 2022, William got into a road rage argument with another man called Frank Gilliard Allison.

At some point during the argument, William threw a plastic bottle at Frank's car.

Frank Gilliard Allison decided to shoot William's 5 year old daughter in the leg after William did that. William, enraged, decided to shoot Frank's 14 year old daughter, Shelby, in her lungs.

Both of them stopped their vehicles and fighted each other until a sheriff stopped the fight.

Both were arrested, but are now out in bail.