1877 | 1878 | 1879 | 1880 | 1881 | 1882 | 1883 | 1884 | 1885

Events edit

  • March 13 - Tsar Alexander II of Russia is assassinated by Ignacy Hryniewiecki, when he throws a bomb at the Tsar, fatally wounding Alexander II, himself, and wounding several bystanders. His son, Alexander III, subsequently becomes Tsar.
  • July 2 - President James A. Garfield is assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau. He dies 79 days later due to an infection as of a result.
  • Unknown - The Kenpeitai, the military police arm of the Imperial Japanese Army, is established.

Births edit

Villain births edit

Deaths edit

Villain deaths edit

Victim deaths edit

  • March 13 - Alexander II of Russia
  • September 19 - James A. Garfield