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* He has his own theme song, [ "Tourner Dans Le Vide"] by Indila.
* He has his own theme song, [ "Tourner Dans Le Vide"] by Indila.
* He had moved to Romania.   
* He had moved to Romania.   
* [ Dwayne Johnson] quoted him on instagram and was partially a fan of Andrew Tate. 
<YouTube width=320 height=180>7TwMWv7HG-M</youtube>
<YouTube width=320 height=180>7TwMWv7HG-M</youtube>

Revision as of 18:35, 14 January 2023

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Andrew Tate
Full Name: Emory Andrew Tate III
Alias: Andrew Tate
The Top G
The G.O.A.T.
Mr. Producer
Morpheus from The Matrix
Batman (both self-proclaimed)
Origin: Washington D.C., United States
Occupation: Kick boxer
Social Media Influencer
Skills: Boxing
Multi Level Marketing
Hobby: Boxing
Exploiting social media users
Goals: Make as much money as possible, through any means necessary
Enemies: Various Social Media Companies
Crimes: Multi-Level Marketing
Disturbing the Peace
COVID denialism
Domestic abuse
Tax fraud
Statutory rape (allegedly)
Sexual harassment (allegedly)
Sexual assault (allegedly)
Rape (allegedly)
Money laundering
Human trafficking
Type of Villain: Avaricious Misogynist

I have everything every man has ever dreamed of. I got a big mansion, I got a super cars, I can live anywhere I want, I got unlimited women, I go where I want… I do anything I want all the time. So, I’m an amazing role model.
~ Andrew Tate

Emory Andrew Tate III (b. December 1, 1986) is an American professional kick boxer and social media influencer. He gained prominence in 2022 due to his controversial statements about women. His followers mainly consist of people who found clips of him on TikTok.

Many people consider him to be a very negative influence on teenagers and children due to his statements on women and him being very rich. He also started a fake university called “Hustlers University” which many people paid for and found out that it was just a Discord Server. Many people have linked Andrew Tate to MLMs (Multi-Level Marketing Schemes).


Andrew Tate was Born in Washington D.C. on December 14, 1986. He was raised in England with World Champion Chess Player, Emory Tate (his father). In 2005, Andrew Tate started learning boxing and in 2009 won the International Sport Karate Association Full contact cruiserweight championship in England. He was ranked number 1 in his division in Europe.

In 2016, Andrew Tate appeared on Big Brother and was removed after a leaked video of him hitting a woman with a belt was surfaced.

In October 2022, He started converting to Islam.


  • He centers himself and his content with misogyny, and treats women as if they're objects.
  • Mocked a comic book artist that wants to pay treatment of his physically ill son.
  • Insulted the late Robin Williams and his case of depression that led him to suicide by saying "depression is not real".
  • He was on a Twitter space hosted by Sameera Khan to be interviewed by the Taliban regarding his safety.


Andrew Tate has his own business which features making money from his girlfriends by convincing them to do webcam pornography. Many people take his advice of treating woman seriously, especially young impressionable boys who take his advice since he’s rich and makes lots of money.


I do know how to administer CPR. However, I will not administer CPR unless you’re a hot female… If you’re some fat dude and you just had a heart attack and I don’t really know you, you’re gonna die… No, not even if you’re a friend… If you’re my friend, you just can’t be a pussy. ‘Well, I had a heart attack’, get the fuck up. Fucks wrong with you. Go hospital later. Have a drink, cigarette, cup of coffee, back in the game. Fucking having heart attacks near me, you little pussy.
~ Andrew Tate expressing his lack of empathy.
By extension, if I have responsibility over her, then I must have a degree of authority.
~ Andrew Tate justifying why he has the right to dictate women
I’m still friends with her and she’s in the UK with me now. I would never hit a woman.
~ Andrew Tate lying about a 2016 incident of him hitting a woman
I don't need you. But you will need me.
~ Andrew Tate rationalizing his controlling behavior towards women


  • He was arrested for human trafficking and money laundering alongside his brother, Tristan Tate where they both spend a 30-day sentence.
  • He has his own theme song, "Tourner Dans Le Vide" by Indila.
  • He had moved to Romania.
  • Dwayne Johnson quoted him on instagram and was partially a fan of Andrew Tate.


See also