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David Attias
Full Name: David Attias
Alias: Original Isla Vista Shooter
Occupation: UCSB Student (formerly)
Skills: Driving
Hobby: Unknown
Goals: Commit a massacre in Isla Vista (successful)
Crimes: Mass murder
Reckless driving
Persecution of Christians
Type of Villain: Misogynistic Terrorist

I am the Angel of Death!
~ David Attias

David Attias (May 6, 1982-) is the perpetrator of the 2001 Isla Vista killings.

Biography edit

David Attias was born in May 6, 1982, being the son of the television director Dan Attias.

In February 23, 2001, David Attias went into a spree killing in Isla Vista, he murdered five people (including a victim who died in 2016).

He was sent into a mental hospital.

He left the mental hospital in September 2012, 10 years after he was sent there.

Trivia edit

  • He is similar to Elliot Rodger, since both are sons of celebrities who went into a spree killing in Isla Vista.