David DePape
Full Name: David DePape
Alias: Nancy Pelosi's attacker
Origin: Berkeley, California, United States of America
Occupation: Carpenter
Skills: Vocal activism
Hobby: Spreading conspiracies
Posting on social media
Goals: Kill Nancy Pelosi (failed)
Crimes: Assault
Attempted Murder
Elder abuse
Breaking and entering
Vaccine Denialism
Public nudity
COVID denialism
Type of Villain: Political Extremist

Love and caring are a chemical delusion.
~ David DePape

David DePape is a far-right U.S. citizen who attempted to murder Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

DePape, a far-right extremist, had an unhealthy hobby of believing in conspiracy theories. While friends, colleagues and family saw him as a benign man, deep down DePape had an unhealthy obsession with far-right politics. He posted on Facebook commonly, posting content such as a theory stating that Derek Chauvin's trial was a modern-day lynching and that George Floyd deserved to die. His Facebook page also contained claims that COVID-19 vaccines are a deadly murder scheme by Democratic officials, denialism that the September 11 attacks was an "inside job", claims supporting the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, and several other posts bullying transgender people.

DePape broke into Nancy Pelosi's house, assaulting her husband, Paul Pelosi, with a hammer. He went for Pelosi, but fortunately did not succeed in murdering her. He was eventually arrested and booked on numerous charges.

Relatives of his expressed shock about DePape's crimes, stating that they were never aware of DePape being a hostile assaulter. However, they mentioned that they knew DePape was a passionate and violent speaker.

Trivia edit

  • Berkeley was also a public nudity activist when he lived in California.
  • DePape was a fan of Stranger Things and Game of Thornes.
  • He was a former supporter of Barack Obama.