Death squad
A death squad is an armed group that conducts extrajudicial killings or forced disappearances of persons for the purposes such as political repression, assassinations, torture, genocide, ethnic cleansing, or revolutionary terror. These killings are often conducted in ways meant to ensure the secrecy of the killers' identities.
Death squads may have the support of domestic or foreign governments (see state terrorism). They may comprise paramilitary militia groups, government soldiers, policemen, or combinations thereof. They may also be organized as vigilantes. When death squads are not controlled by the state, they may consist of insurgent forces or organized crime, such as the ones used by cartels.
Death squads are similar to secret police, and the two can often overlap and be used in the same capacities.
Use of death squads are generally considered to be a war crime or a crime against humanity, depending on the context and/or situation they are used in.
List of notable death squads and groups that used death squad tactics edit
- 5th Brigade (Zimbabwe)
- 601 Intelligence Battalion (Argentina)
- Aitarak (East Timor)
- Al-Badr (Pakistan)
- Atlacatl Battalion (El Salvador)
- Argentine Anticommunist Alliance (Argentina)
- Azov Battalion (Ukraine)
- Basij (Iran)
- Batallón Vasco Español (Spain)
- Battalion 316 (Honduras)
- Battalion Olympia (Mexico)
- BIR (Cameroon)
- Black and Tans (United Kingdom)
- Black Hundreds (Russian Empire)
- Black Legion (Croatia)
- Blackshirts (Italy)
- Búfalos (Peru)
- Caravan of Death (Chile)
- CDF (Sierra Leone)
- Civil Cooperation Bureau (South Africa)
- Civil Defense Patrols (Guatemala)
- CJTF (Nigeria)
- COJEP (Ivory Coast)
- Colectivos (Venezuela)
- Comandos Caza Tupamaros (Uruguay)
- Contras (Nicaragua)
- Davao Death Squad (The Philippines)
- Dignity Battalions (Panama)
- Einsatzgruppen (Nazi Germany)
- Escuadrón Volante (Ecuador)
- Esquadrão da Morte (Brazil)
- Fedayeen Saddam (Ba'athist Iraq)
- Frente Democrático Anticomunista y Antiterrorista (Dominican Republic)
- Front for the Advancement and Progress of Haïti (Haiti)
- GAL (Spain)
- Ganda Iso (Mali)
- Grey Wolves (Turkey)
- Grupo Colina (Peru)
- Halcones (Mexico)
- Hlinka Guard (First Slovak Republic)
- Impuzamugambi (Rwanda)
- Interahamwe (Rwanda)
- Irgun (Israel)
- Iron Guard (Romania)
- Iron Guard of Egypt (Egypt)
- Janjaweed (Sudan)
- Kaminski Brigade (Nazi Germany)
- Kataeb Regulatory Forces (Lebanon)
- Ku Klux Klan (United States, Reconstruction Era only)
- La Main Rouge (France)
- Lehi (Israel)
- Mano Blanca (Guatemala)
- Marcos Loyalists (The Philippines)
- Mkhedrioni (Georgia)
- Northwest Youth League (South Korea)
- OAS (French Algeria)
- Partida de la porra (Spain)
- People's Militias (Czechoslovakia)
- Quantrill's Raiders (United States)
- Rapid Action Battalion (Bangladesh)
- Rapid Support Forces (Sudan)
- Red Gaurs (Thailand)
- Red Guards (China)
- Rodrigo Franco Command (Peru)
- Šakali (Kosovo)
- Salwa Judum (India)
- Scorpions (Yugoslavia)
- Serb Volunteer Guard (Yugoslavia)
- Shabiha (Syria)
- Shankill Butchers (Northern Ireland)
- Sombra Negra (El Salvador)
- Special Action Forces (Venezuela)
- Special Anti-Robbery Squad (Nigeria)
- Sturmabteilung (Nazi Germany)
- Tanzim (Palestine)
- The Twelve Apostles (Ireland)
- Tiger Squad (Saudi Arabia)
- Tonton Macoute (Haiti)
- Umkhonto we Sizwe (South Africa)
- United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (Colombia)
- Village Scouts (Thailand)
- Vlakplaas (South Africa)
- Weerbaarheidsafdeling (Netherlands)
- White Eagles (Serbia / Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- ZOMO (Poland)