“ | Restore national pride and the Japanese life! | „ |
~ A phrase in the their poster |
Ishin Party Shimpu also known Ishin Seito Shimpu is a Japanese far-right patriot political party designated as one of the Uyoku dantai.
They are trying to make their way into Congress, but the claims they talk about are consistently xenophobia, and although they claim they do not engage in racism, it will eventually lead to it.
Activities edit
They are against LGBT-friendly ordinances and also argue that corporal punishment is important in education. Corporal punishment in education is something that has occurred frequently in Japan in the past, and they claim it is necessary for the "mental development of the child. However, Actually during when corporal punishment was used, there were many mentally ill children and delinquents in Japan, and there are also people in this party who are against "corporal punishment in education. Also, in order to resolve the North Korean abductions of Japanese citizens, he insisted on strengthening economic sanctions against North Korea and preparing for a military operation to recover the abducted victims.
Background edit
On December 9th, 1995, the party was founded by Tetsuou Uotani. Since the latter half of the 2000s, I have been actively involved with groups that fall under the category of Kōdō suru hosyu, such as Zaitokukai. In particular, we often interacted with the Zaitokukai and held joint protest marches with them.
In 2011, after Nobuyuki Suzuki took over as the president of party, the exchange with Kōdō suru hosyu became active again and we participated in various Xenophobic movements. In 2017, after the expulsion of Nobuyuki Suzuki and Dairyo Kawahigashi, they became independent as a political party, keeping the name "Ishin Seito Shimpu Tokyo HQ"; on December 17, they changed their name to the National Party of Japan. At this time, many of those who joined the party joined the Nationalist Party of Japan, making organized political activity impossible.