Uyoku dantai
Uyoku dantai is general term of Japanese racist far-right groups that occurred in the beginning of 1868. What "Uyoku dantai" represents is primarily civic groups with far-right ideology and is known as a derogatory term for them.
Uyoku dantai is xenophobic, anti-Korean, anti-Chinese, has allied itself with the Yakuza and opposses are the National Police and most Japanese.
They are the Japanese equivalent of the Alt-Right.
Kinds of movements in Uyoku dantai edit
- Kan'nen uyoku (Ideological Right)
- Seitou uyoku (Orthodox Right)
- Jinkyo uyoku (Renman Right)
- Kakushin uyoku (Innovation Uyoku/Neo-nazi)
- Gaisen uyoku (Right Propaganda in town)
- Syukyo uyoku (Religion Right)
- Sin uyoku (New Right)
- Kōdō suru hosyu (Conservatism in Action)
- Netto-uyoku (Internet Right)
Historical Organizaitons edit
- Kinkei Gakuin
- Ketsumeidan
- Genyousha
- Kokuryukai
- Daitoujuku
Organizations and movements in Uyoku dantai edit
- Ganbare Nippon
- Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform
- Ishin Party Shimpu
- National Party of Japan
- National Socialist Japanese Workers' Party
- Nippon Kaigi
- Seikijuku
Kōdō suru hosyu edit
- Haigaisya (formerly)
- JAnon (QAnon)
- Japan First Party
- Nichigokai
- Shinshumikunikai
- Shinsyudatsu no kai
- Shukenkai
- Team Kansai
- Zaitokukai
Netto-uyoku edit
- Cultured Person Broadcasting
- JAnon
- Japan Cultural Channel Sakura
- Shikishima-Kai (Detox-Japan)
- Wakamiyakai Koujuku
- Zaitokukai