Japan Cultural Channel Sakura
Japan Cultural Channel Sakura also known as Channel Sakura is one of the Uyoku dantai and a far-right broadcasting station that broadcasts conservative news and engages in Fearmongering. The most of content of the broadcasts is about China, North Korea, and there are also broadcasts with exclusionary content.
Biography edit
Japan Cultural Channel Sakura is was founded by Satoru Mizushima on April 6, 2004. On November 30, 2017, Channel Sakura finished broadcasting at SKY PerfecTV! and converted its main activity to distribution on the Internet.
In October, 2016, Channel Sakura took a psychiatrist's claims and made statements about those claims that were not true and that seriously violated the psychiatrist's reputation. The psychiatrist filed a lawsuit against Channel Sakura, and Channel Sakura lost the case in the Supreme Court on December 3, 2020.
Channel Sakura considers Japan's position in the Pacific War to be legitimate and treats the issue of the Comfort women as an unfounded hoax. Most of the Uyoku dantai organizations have taken a positive view of Channel Sakura. Also Channel Sakura participated in the protest by Netto-uyoku that occurred in Japan in 2020.