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Jamie Fuller
Full Name: Jamie Fuller
Alias: None
Origin: Beverly, Massachusetts, United States
Occupation: Student (formerly)
Skills: Strength
Hobby: Wrestling against students
Dating Amy (formerly)
Abusing Amy
Goals: Abuse Amy, later kill her (succeeded)
Crimes: Assault
Type of Villain: Tragic Abuser

I killed someone I loved very much.
~ Jamie Fuller

Jamie Fuller (born in 1975) was a 16 year old boy who murdered his 14 year old girlfriend, Amy Carnevale. He is noted as being controlling and jealous. After he found out she had been spending time with friends without him , and had called of their relationship he lured her to the woods and murdered her on August 23th, 1991.

The Murder edit

In August 23th, 1991, Jamie called Amy and asked her if she could hang out with him, she agreed.

After Jamie took Amy to the forest, Jamie looked at Amy and told her he loved her, he then took off a knife and stabbed her and cut off her throat, Amy tried to run away but failed, Amy told Jamie she loved him, Jamie got annoyed by the sound of her bleeding and decided to stomp her skull, ultimately killing her.

After the murder, he told his friends he killed his girlfriend and showed them the bloody knife, he threatened to kill them if they told anyone what he did.

Five days later, in August 28th, 1991, the police found Amy's dead body and arrested Jamie.

He remains in jail this day.

Trivia edit

  • The murder served as inspiration of the 1996 TV Movie film No One Would Tell, which also got a remake in 2018.
  • He killed his girlfriend because he thought she cheated on him.
  • He abused Amy in school, her friends tried to convince Amy that Jamie was a bad boyfriend, but she didn't listen to them.