Nippon Kaigi or Nihon Kaigi (日本会議, Japan Conference) is a Japanese far-right, ultranationalist, hard conservative (reactionary), anti-communist and historical revisionist organization.
It is a conservative organization founded in 1997, and is known for its history revisionism (Nanjing Massacre denial) and the revision of Article 9 of the Constitution.
The Japan Conference has deep ties with the Liberal Democratic Party, the largest conservative party in Japan and the current ruling party. The Liberal Democratic Party is pro-American, but the Japanese conference has a slight anti-American tendency, arguing that the Constitution of Japan is an American constitutional constitution, accusing the former Allied powers of the constitution, and condemning the former Allied powers as the GHQ's Japanese occupation policy War. Claims that the Guilt Information Program was in place. The American Historical Society is used as the anti-Japanese left-wing cave, and because it opposes visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, it strongly criticizes the United States for its historical recognition issues.
Social status
Many of the Abe administration cabinet members are members of the Japanese conference.
Koichi Tsukamoto, founder of clothing company Wacoal, headquartered in Kyoto, served as the first chairman of the Japan Congress.
The APA Hotel, run by Toshio Motoya, a friend of Shinzo Abe, has been asserting historical revisionism/Ultranationalism in the Apple Town paper for a long time, but the number of foreign tourists has surged and the Nanjing Massacre denial in January 2017. Was asserted by the Chinese, and it burned not only in China but in the whole world.
Education and Religion
The Japanese Congress advocates the idea of resurrecting State Shinto.
It is related to the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform, a right-wing educational group with a history revisionist tendency.
The Japan Congress, which is a labor union of school teachers, accuses the Japanese teachers' union, which supports the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Social Democratic Party, for conducting self-deprecation and anti-Japan education.
It aims to impose full moral education. China, the Korean Peninsula, and some Southeast Asian countries are conducting anti-Japanese education, and we recommend that you impose patriotic education to counter it [1].
We oppose radical sex education and gender-free education.
Takushoku University (拓殖大学, Colonize University) and Reitaku University (麗澤大学) are two educational institutions that are strongly associated with the Japan Congress. The former was established for the purpose of fostering human resources underground, and was privatized after being changed to Kōryō University (紅陵大学) as a “child of imperialism/militaryism” by GHQ after the war, but Masakuni Murakami later joined the Japan Congress. In 1952 it was restored to its original name. The former has appointed the president of Japan Conference, and Shiro Odamura, Toshio Watanabe, and Satoshi Morimoto (current position) are members. For university education, a large number of people with extreme right-handedness such as Taro Ishihira, Nobukatsu Fujioka, Masahiro Miyazaki, Kiyotaka Kato are employed.
In the latter, the new religious movement "Moralogy" of the affiliated group has participated in the Japanese conference, and is a far right nest like Takudai, including Tsutomu Nishioka, Hidetsugu Yagi and Yoshihisa Komori.
See also
- Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform
- Ishin Party Shimpu
- Uyoku dantai
- Kōdō suru hosyu
- Japanese Culture Channel Sakura
Nippon Kaigi.
- ↑ https://www.huffingtonpost.jp/satoshi-nakajima /nipponkaigi_b_7578374.html